To call people to a fully surrendered life, empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to live out the character of Christ. Then partner with God in multiplying Christlikeness in others.
There is a best life in this world. Its found in Jesus Christ. We want to encourage and challenge you to live it. Consecrate your heart to the Lord. Receive all of Him and give Him all of you. Christian Advance will provide articles, audio sessions, links, books, reviews, Bible studies and other resources to help you live the life you were made for.
The stained glass holy fire logo has its roots in early Christianity. A stained glass window could be used to illustrate the stories of the Bible to an illiterate population seeking to follow Christ. It could disciple through one window or a whole series of windows throughout the church. The holy flame illustrates the consuming fire we are becoming as the Holy Spirit forms us into mature holy disciples. Join us on this journey of multiplying Christ-likeness.
Our focus is two fold. God commanded us to "be holy" (Lev. 11:44) and He commanded us to "make disciples" (Matt. 28:19). By grace through faith Christian Advance intends to do just that. We will partner with God to come along side you as you journey to be a holy disciple and make holy disciples. We're all about multiplying Christlikeness.
Christian Advance provides an online Christian book store, music, teaching videos, quotes, downloads, audio, articles, resource links, prayers, archives and more to partner with you in your walk of obedience.
All of Me for All of Jesus
Beth Coppedge
God wants us to be willing to stand in the gap and hold on for the full blessing of God in the lives of our children, homes, and families in this generation and in the generations yet to come. This takes persistent and prevailing prayer and a belief that God can move and will act on our behalf. When we are in difficult situations and perhaps we want to get out, God says, "Hold on for my blessing! Hold on for my help." We are not planning funerals but resurrection celebrations!
"Continually restate to yourself what the purpose of your life is. The destined end of man is not happiness, nor health, but holiness."
Oswald Chambers
"Scripture is the best starting point for life-change."
Matt Friedeman
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